Welcome to my page

To the reader, if just one sentence of my page helps you to understand,life is a bit better, I am thankful that im not alone..

For many decades, in fact almost a lifetime, I thought Love was that feeling when you want to be with someone....At that point the true meaning of Love begun to dawn on me. One thing I was sure was that Love orginated from God and the Bible referred to God's Love as "mercy". Mercy meant loving someone who does not deserve that love. Love does not fucos on the "I". Its focused on the object of the love. Love was not intended by God to make me happy. It was meant to bring Happiness to the one being loved. That is why we "give" love. Its not for us but for the ones we love. I realized that, different from the other things we give away, the one beautiful thing about Love is that, even when we give it away, we do not loose it. I finally concluded that the true and simple meaning of Love is to make someone else Happy.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

You've Got it all.. mY HeArT anD mY SoUL

The beginning of our love story
March 25, 2009
I dont know why we met? This big question i cant answered, but the one thing i know is I LOVE YOU SO MUCH..
When you came to my life, i dont expected this will be happened. We both know its forbidden, but our hearts still won..?? I dont know if your feeling is the same as me?? I was hope your not playing with me? I am hoping that your love to me is really true? We shared  a lot of things, like talked about futures, sharing thoughts, sharing problems, laugh and tears, secrets. We going out having fun, disco, singing karaoke.. Even we know we have a big problem!! I cant forget every single moment when i was with you.

It was taken at antipolo, March 31,2009.. If one day you view my page.. I was hope you can still remember this day.. You know How much I LOVE YOU
                              "Dont fall in love with the dreamer"
                      My mind said why you let me go if you really love me? Why you do not defend your love to me for her? Why you scared to show to the others your feelings to me? Why You did not follow your heart? How can you say you love me if you dont fight with all the problem? Maybe because you dont love me, you just say you love me but you dont? maybe you just need a comfort from me? You say you love me but you lie..

          DoNt fALL iN LoVe wiTh a DrEaMer
June 4, 2009
3:30 pm
Me and him, and his two others stuff, we are going to Olongapo to set up his product powertech. But we really dont know what happened? I was surprised the accident occured. I am so thankful that we are all OK. Its my first time to experienced that kind of accident. After a few minute i go down to that car, He told me i need to go because in a few seconds the investigator will come and start to investigate what really happened.. But no body knows im with that car.. I felt that time i am walking to the heaven. I tell to myself God is miracle He gave us the second chance of our life. I ride a buss going back to q.c but my foot brought me to the church and still cant believe what has happened. I talked to Him and I thanked  Him, because He saved our lives.

The best thing happened to me..

The best thing happened to me..
Kristian Johan, Elias,_ _ _ _?